Saturday, December 17, 2011

Unpacking continues early November

Trying to figure out the new kitchen...

Blue and white dishes always give me comfort in chaos!

Cookbook shelf with Spencer's, mother-in-law's cookbooks.
There the ones with the bow.

Ann Sach's white tile, white cabinets, 
and my favorite "greenish" soapstone!

Lounge fireplace with mini gas logs... make shift solution to passing code.

Laundry room...missing wallpaper, 
very cool recycled glass countertops.

A Few House Pictures on November 6th...One week in the house!

Some of us are working hard to unpack!

unload library books ASAP!

Guest Bathroom

                 Piano in the entry way/lounge.

New room...unloaded plaid chair...Brophy red ottoman and Peter in the middle of it all.