Sunday, July 17, 2011


Sometime in early April P5 was accepted to ST Francis Xavier for 7th grade, we bought a new house, sold our existing house, and started renovation plans for the Berridge home. After lot's of prayer and even fasting we we received these answers in a short 2 week span! The thought of leaving Ahwatukee after 20 years has been quite unsettling and yet exciting. I have many friends I love and adore and will truly miss the convenient lunches, walks, and grocery store chats. Promises of meeting at LOG(La Grande Orange) for breakfast or lunch keep me happy.

Fortunately, the 5P's are thrilled to make the change. After taking P1, P2, and P3 to see Berridge they convinced me that 1 guest room would be enough for them to still visit the "Valley of the Sun". In fact I think the access to the "down town" restaurants and activities is even more enticing! Of course P4 and P5 are relishing the idea of being close to their school campus and the new friends they have made. Maybe, P4 will even host a party!

As for Greg, his love for Berridge started small but, after his decisions to tear down and start anew, he is sucked in and loving it!

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